Tuesday 22 November 2011

Having a security gate can help give you peace of mind.

Security gates are the easy way to guarantee the security of your home or business. Though ideal for large areas, security fencing and electric security gates are also useful for medium and small sized properties. Homes and offices can also benefits from security gates when extra security measures are desired and determined appropriate.

To install a security gate yourself, all you need is to purchase a kit that can to be installed on an already existing gate. If you have no gate installed, then you will have more options as to what kind of security gate you wish to install. There are numerous security gates available on the market. What you choose would depend on the specifications of your already existing gate or future functionality of the security gate. The size, length, weight, and material may have a bearing on what type of automatic electric gate kit you may use.

Metal Security Door Gates

These gates are designed to limit access to normal sized doors in commercial and industrial buildings. Sizes are available that will fit all doors and will manufacture custom-sized gates on request. Metal door gates offer companies a versatile design that allows them to be mounted to lock on either the left or the right. Metal security door gates will mount on either the door frame recess or the outer wall surrounding the door frame. Either position will allow the gate to be folded and swung to the side when it is not in use.

Single Metal security gates

These gates are made from a single steel lattice and cover the entrance to any number of commercial building access points. Standard locking position is on the left side, but custom ordered right side locking gates can be requested through your Easy Rack representative. To prevent the gate from losing its center, single metal security gates feature a drop pin in the center which provides added stability in wider openings.

Double Metal Security Gates

Just as the name suggests, double gates are simply two steel lattices connecting together in the center. This allows both sides to be swung completely 180 degrees to one side if necessary. These are ideal metal security gates to use in front of entrances that have heavy vehicle traffic, such as fork trucks, pallet trucks, pickups, and vans.

Portable Metal Security Gates

These gates are ideal for construction sites. They provide movable security, and when they are folded up they are only 6.5' high...small enough to fit through a standard door opening, and compact enough to be stored out of site. Portable security gates are easy to install and lock to the wall with a sample padlock hasp arrangement that comes included in your order.

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